reading time: 2 min

You guys,
it's S U M M E R and I'm feeling like a ray of sunshine myself lately 🙂 so I wanted to spread those positive vibes today by sharing a few snapshots from my mom's birthday last weekend! It was a lovely day, we all went out for a walk to go visit the alder tree that my boyfriend and I planted a little over three years ago, and after that we went to my mom's community garden where we watered the plants and harvested a few of the berries and veggies.
This is quite a random and fun post to take you along in my everyday life because my blog is supposed to be a lifestyle blog after all! Enjoy :)

I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my life! I want my blog to be a place of happiness and adventure, of what's going on in my mind, my heart and my day to day life ♡ Cherish those bursting summer days as long as they last!