reading time: 4 min

I have a confession to make. Something that I've had on my mind for a while now. Lately there seem to be a lot of videos on youtube discussing if vegans could be in a relationship with non-vegans or not. And it makes me insecure sometimes.
In a way, I find it ridiculous. The question alone sounds kind of like racism to me - why shouldn't vegans be with non-vegans?!?! -, but then there are times when I catch myself wishing my boyfriend was vegan. I know, I shouldn't think that - he's extremely supportive of me and my lifestyle, he loves to cook and eat vegan with me, and that's all that matters. But the thing is, for me veganism is more than just eating non-dairy, non-meat products. It's also about the abuse of animals, the slavery, the rape, the violence and injustice behind that piece of meat or cheese. My boyfriend knows about these circumstances of course, and he's generally concerned about health and buying organic good, but i'm not sure if he makes the connection between the slaughter and torture of animals and the pleasure of non-vegan food. And as much as I love my boyfriend and as much as I want to respect his own lifestyle, it can be hard sometimes to see him eat these things without caring about the pain and cruelty behind his food. I don't want to be bothered by that, but sometimes I am. And I feel bad about it.
What are your thoughts?!
reading time: 2 min
Dhal, dahl, dal or daal is a kind of lentil stew commonly served in South Asian countries such as India and Nepal. Dal Bhat (literally: lentils and rice) is a staple food in these countries. - And for those worrying about protein intake in a vegan diet: Dhal is a ready source of proteins due to the lentils!
reading time: 2 min
Iced tea is a summer drink par excellence! Unfortunately, most varieties available at the supermarket are rich in calories and sugar (up to 15 sugar cubes per litre!!), as well as many artificial flavourings and preservatives. In other words: tooth decay, obesity and diabetes.
This was the first time I made iced tea, and it's actually so easy and quick to make that it's not gonna be the last time either, for sure. Making iced tea is endlessly adaptable: you can brew it light or strong, drink it unsweetened or sweetened, make it kid-friendly or grown-up (see notes at the end).
Once you've got the basics down, you can start getting creative - just follow the simple steps below.
reading time: 1 min
Quick backstory: This dairy-free Mousse au Chocolat was actually made for a Murder Mystery Dinner party – set in the Roaring Twenties in Prague – that a few of my nerdy friends and I threw last week. This recipe was a huge success – and nobody could've guessed that this was vegan, nor that the base for this creamy, fluffy dessert dream was coconut (milk)!
And it can be made entirely without chocolate!
Say what?!
reading time: 4 min
Oh, sweet childhood memories!
This is the first time i made these cinnamon bread rolls - they are basically soft, sweet buns, sort of like milk rolls but with cinnamon flavour. They are perfect for a sleepy Sunday breakfast, as part of an Easter or Ostara brunch, or to bring along with you to school, work, university, kindergarten even, as they are very child-friendly. And did I mention? So soft and good!