reading time: ca. 1 min

Hello lovelies,
it's my 200th post today, hurray :) such a cool coincidence! and cool leads to ice cream, so it's all one huge meaningful circle, ahaha! (okay, i'll stop now. but it's honestly a coincidence. and the lame pun was honestly just a spontaneous brain fart, lol.)
More importantly it's SUMMER TIME which for me means ICE CREAM TIME, whoop-whoop! And since people seem think that vegans - or even worse: raw vegans - can't eat anything but carrots and apples and lettuce, i'm gonna prove you wrong, my dear.
More importantly it's SUMMER TIME which for me means ICE CREAM TIME, whoop-whoop! And since people seem think that vegans - or even worse: raw vegans - can't eat anything but carrots and apples and lettuce, i'm gonna prove you wrong, my dear.
So over the course of July i will present to you a total of - cling on tight - 21 raw vegan Ice Creams. Oh yes, you've read right. I have made all these delicious ice cream creations over the past few weeks, which i will now share with you and your tummies. There will be a blog post every single day for the month of July, until you get sick of it - hopefully you won't. I'm even thinking about changing my blog name to The Ice Cream Girl, lol. (not really though).
Raw vegan ice creams are super easy to make and super good for you: free of unnatural sugars, processed ingredients, animal products, and chemicals. Apart from that it does not require much time, money, or many ingredients to prepare this beauty. Oh and it does NOT require an ice cream maker either! How great is that? So if you do not have the luxury of an actual ice cream maker, use a blending machine, a food processor, a juicer, or even a hand-held blender. I always use my high-speed blender! (this one)
Knock yourself out my dear.
reading time: ca. 1 min

After me babbling on about books and films last time it calls for a sweet and simple post today. May i present to you MASCARA MARILYN. Yep, that's right. What you're looking at is the result of me playing around with two pretty-much-empty mascaras that were waiting to be thrown away - until i decided it would be a great idea to use the mascara applicator and the remaining "paint" to make a clumsy portrait of Marilyn Monroe. Yeah... she'd probably be turning in her grave if she knew, lol.
The downside to this is that first of all the thick brush isn't exactly the most precise drawing tool, and second of all you cannot undo anything, which bugs the heck out of me (for example the shade above her right nostril which i'm frickin' itching to correct -.-) And i don't really understand why some parts seem to be black and others brown because the two mascara bottles i was using were both black! But hey it was actually loads of fun and now i have black spotted hands and i feel like i have brilliantly recycled my mascara and did a good thing, haha! (by the way, i used this picture as a template) And no, i will not google if other people have painted with mascara - because i'd probably find out that it's already a thing and then i won't feel as inventive and brilliant any more :'D okay, maybe i will actually google it.
But first let me finish off this post with a quote (not a Marilyn quote though) that i stumbled upon recently and wanted to share:
"It took a few years to be comfortable in my own skin..
and just like everyone else, i still struggle with it at times.
So knowing my strength and my worth,
gives me the freedom to be who i am and realize,
"I'm not always going to fit everyone".
But it's like music or any type of art,
if it makes you feel genuine and complete, it's always worth the risk."
- Lindsay Perry
"It took a few years to be comfortable in my own skin..
and just like everyone else, i still struggle with it at times.
So knowing my strength and my worth,
gives me the freedom to be who i am and realize,
"I'm not always going to fit everyone".
But it's like music or any type of art,
if it makes you feel genuine and complete, it's always worth the risk."
- Lindsay Perry

Well, hello! My name is Maisy (pronounce: macy) and I’m the creative spirit behind this blog. You are welcome to join me on my journey to a more natural, slow-paced & healthier life!
- Ayurveda 17
- beauty 39
- breakfast 69
- dessert 207
- diy 48
- fermenting 8
- fictional food 21
- foraging 30
- gardening 8
- gluten-free 115
- healing 71
- herbs 27
- homestead 114
- main course 35
- minimalism 39
- snack 106
- sugar-free 110
- zero waste 44
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