reading time: 4 min
It's been almost five years at this point since I talked about toothpaste – or more specific, homemade toothpaste – on this blog. Back than I shared my DIY healing turmeric and tea tree toothpaste that works wonders for cleaning and naturally whitening your teeth as well as for preventing caries and even potentially reversing enamel damage and tooth decay.
However, it is an oil-based toothpaste which means that a) your mouth is going to feel oily while brushing it, and there is no foaming effect. Some people don't like this.
b) you cannot spit the oil into the sink, but must spit it into the bin, or else the oil will clog your drain.
The toothpaste also contains turmeric, which makes for a wonderful natural brightening effect, but can also stain your clothes, fingers, mouth and toothbrush. I do still use the turmeric and tea tree toothpaste (usually a few times a month, for that wonderful cleansing and whitening effect), but I've found an alternative that does not contain oil and therefore doesn't come with the "disadvantages" listed above.
Enter my favourite DIY toothpaste!
It is made with only 4 natural ingredients that all have a remineralizing and tooth-strengthening effect. It's basically a mixture of finely ground minerals and liquid:
reading time: 4 min
Episode 13.
Today's blog post is all about my favourite of all the various daily self-care practices in Ayurveda, ever since doing my Ayurvedic cleanse last spring: Abhyanga!
Abhyanga is a full body Ayurvedic self-massage using warm oil. Not only is it said to balance the doshas (the Ayurvedic elements in our bodies) by pacifying vata and pitta and stimulating kapha, but also to enhance well-being and longevity, providing a feeling of stability and warmth. To me, it is a powerful expression of self-love.
This practice is also great for glowing skin, and it's just the most luxurious way to start your day – or to end your night. It's best to do this before showering, either on an empty stomach in the morning, or in the evening shortly before bedtime.
So if you've got some time on the weekend and really want to pamper yourself, then treat yourself to this deeply soothing self-massage with warm oil!
This massage can last as short as 10 minutes and as long as 60 minutes. Although
it is quite time-consuming I really love doing this once or twice a
month, or even once a week, especially during the autumn and winter months when the
ungrounded vata energy is particularly high.
It is no coincidence that the word sneha in
Sanskrit translates to both "oil" and "love", which teaches us that through the act of oiling our bodies, we are also practising self-love through loving touch and care. So enjoy this time of
self-love and nourishing! Plus, the oil will provide your dry skin with
extra nutrition, and protect it against the harsh winds.
am not a physician, and the information provided on this blog is for
informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a
substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care
provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition
or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never
disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of
something you have read on this website.

reading time: 4 min

A great smoothie is not only delicious, but also healthy, containing valuable vitamins and minerals from the fruits and vegetables used, and easy to make. However, most people – me included – usually only drink smoothies during the summer time when you need something light, fresh and cooling.
Today I want to show you four ways to enjoy your smoothies during the cold months as well!
Especially when it's cold and uncomfortable outside, a delicious and nutritious winter smoothie is exactly what we need. I have found that there are three ways to "winterize" your smoothies:
1) use warm liquids such as warmed up milk, coffee, or water, especially when adding frozen ingredients to your smoothie
2) use warming spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger, black pepper, turmeric, and chili
3) use anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich ingredients such as turmeric, ginger, citrus fruits, leafy greens, and almonds that will boost your immune system
4) use dense, nourishing ingredients such as nuts or nut butters (for fatty acids and protein), bananas, (nut) milk, and leafy greens (for secondary plant compounds, antioxidants, vitamins and fibre) to keep you full and grounded
All of the following recipes meet at least three, if not all four criteria for a warming winter smoothie!
My personal favourites would have to be no. 3 and 4, but all of them are amazing ☺️
It is the time of making new year's resolutions, of creating vision boards, setting intentions and working on better habits. It's the perfect time to practice manifesting, if you ask me.
Manifesting can take a number of different shapes. Whether it's
visualizing, praying, scripting, using positive affirmations or creating
a vision board, the method of manifesting is a wonderful and powerful
tool to create the reality of our life. (If you are wondering how this is
possible – how we humans are able to not only shift, but actually shape our own reality –, I recommend listening to the lectures of Dr. Joe Dispenza who explains this matter on a scientific basis.)
Today, I want to share with you three simple tips that will help you manifest your desires into reality.