reading time: ca. 1 min

2 quick coffee ice creams without ice cream maker
Preparation time: 5 mins + 3 hours freezing time
Main ingredients: banana, coffee powder
difficulty level: easy
serves: 1
suitable for: vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, nut-free, paleo, raw food, and delicious "even so"
3 large ripe bananas, frozen
1 tbsp instant coffee powder - i'm using 1 tbsp caffeine-free made from chicory (cool, eh?)
1 tbsp agave syrup or preferred sweetener (optional)
- a high-speed blender or food processor (NO NEED FOR AN ICE CREAM MAKER!)
First, prepare your bananas by breaking them into pieces and letting sit in the freezer for a few hours. Then put frozen banana pieces into your blending machine and blend until creamy smooth.
Add your instant coffee powder and your preferred sweetener; i went for 2 and a bit teaspoons of agave syrup. Then blend again for a few seconds till everything becomes a creamy mocha mass. That's it!
Now fill your "nice cream" into a nice bowl, garnish with coffee beans or cocoa nibs - et voilà ! :)
3 large ripe bananas, frozen
handful of cashews, soaked six hours or overnight OR 1 tbsp cashew butter - i'm using the nut butter
1 tbsp instant coffee powder (or my de-caf roasted chicory powder resp.)
1-2 tsp carob or cocoa powder
1-2 tsp agave syrup or preferred sweetener
See above! This time also add your soaked cashews (without the water!!) or nut butter, some cocoa powder and your sweetener of choice. Note: I actually added the cocoa after i had already blended and filled my ice cream into a bowl, which created a nice swirly effect. The bowl looked messy though, but who cares. It was frickin delicious.
So there you go: 2 different ways to make coffee ice cream, even de-caf! For me this was a great way to beat my former obsession with morning coffee, haha!
Note: This is part of my raw vegan Ice Cream Galore!