reading time: 3 min

Hello loves,
day is coming up, and you've probably heard me talk about my opinion on "V Day" more than enough – personally, I don't celebrate Valentine's in the "traditional" way (going out to eat a fancy dinner, exchanging red roses or gifts with your significant other, stuffing your face with a chocolate fondue, and whatnot). Instead, I cherish February 14th as a time to blanket myself in love. A date with myself, if you will.
A fitting quote I want to share with you today is this one by Oscar Wilde:
»To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.«
After all, if we don't love ourselves in the first place, how are we going to extend this love to others around us? Or in the words of my mum: "Before you go and marry anyone, go marry yourself first!"
There is a great TEDx Talk by Tracy McMillan from 2014 that went viral, talking about The person you really need to marry (spoiler: it's you!). It's a wonderful talk, please listen to it!
I'm not an enlightened wise-owl human, but let me tell you: There is no man, no woman, no house, no car, no job that will make you happy and complete. Now that doesn't mean that there's no value in being in a relationship, being married, having your dream house, a career... not at all! But it does mean that once you embrace and celebrate and love yourself with all your curves, edges, kinks and quirks, your happiness and wholeness is no longer dependant on those things!
With that said, I am very glad that I got the chance to get "engaged" to myself (just in my head and in my heart) before my boyfriend / now-fiancé J proposed to me.
More on that below...
More on that below...

"top": dress from H&M (old)
skirt: thrifted
ring: Diamonds by me
So yeah. On 02.02.2020 my boyfriend J asked me to spend the rest of our lives together 💕 And I said YES, obviously 😜 My ring is not the "typical" engagement ring,
which would be a white gold band set with a diamond, but rather a
variation that fits me and my personality better. It is made of gold (which matches my skin
tone), adorned with a ruby. Rubies are one of
the most precious and powerful stones in the entire world, promoting
love, passion, vitality, energy and motivation as well as
self-confidence, inner strength and emotional stability. In India it is
known as "the queen of stones and the stone of kings". A necklace with a
rough ruby is also the first gift J gave me 5 years ago ♡
all honesty, before the proposal I was actually worried about whether
or not I would love the engagement ring – everywhere online
people kept saying how their engagement ring was "just perfect", but
what if my engagement ring wasn't my "dream ring"?!
Now that I've experienced my own engagement I can tell you: my ring is "just
perfect". It's not too "princessy", nor too extravagant or showy, nor too simple. It's just... right! (side note: I think all of the rings are gorgeous by the way!! they're just not "for me") I guess what I'm saying is: Trust. Don't stress out. It's all going to be exactly how it is supposed to be.
The engagement itself was probably also not that "typical", as J didn't propose to me at the beach or in a restaurant or somewhere else public, but rather in the comfort and privacy of our home where he surprised me with the most beautiful and intimate atmosphere. We're also not going to get married for the next two years or so, and instead just enjoy this sweet new phase in our relationship! ♥️
